Organisation Chart:
Human Capital Development DivisionContact Details:
Human Capital Development Division
Ministry of Economy
Level 2, Quadran 2, Menara Prisma
No.26, Persiaran Perdana, Presint 3
Federal Government Administrative Centre
62675 Putrajaya
Tel. No. : 03-8090 2448
Fax : 03 8090 2500
Ensuring optimum deployment of human resources through creating employment opportunities and uplifting the quality of human resources corresponding the nation's economic development.
- To identify and analyse issues pertaining to human capital development and labour market and propose recommendations to address these issues;
- To formulate policies and strategies on education, training and lifelong learning that ensure the delivery systems can produce sufficient highly qualified human capital required to sustain growth and competitiveness of the economy;
- To prepare short, medium and long term projections on population and labour force as well as, employment by economic sectors and by major and selected occupational categories;
- To formulate policies and strategies on population, labour force, employment and labour market to enhance the utilization of local labour and ensure effective and efficient functioning of the labour market;
- To assess and allocate development allocation for education and training programmes and projects as well as monitor its implementation;
- To evaluate the impact of human capital development programmes and projects; and
- To act as the secretariat to the national advisory council on education and training.
We pledge to perform responsibilities entrusted with dedication through excellence work cultures, professionalism in providing services to customers as follows:
- To perform duties in preparing Long Term Planning, Five Years Development Plan, and Mid Term Review according to schedule professionally, efficiently, effectively, and with quality;
- To formulate and coordinate human resource development policies and strategies implementations for short-term, middle term, and long term to optimise human resource utilisation;
- To prepare and provide manpower utilisation projection by sector and employment at single digit level within seven days from the date of receiving the latest data and KDNK projection from requesting agency;
- To prepare and provide population projection by main ethnic and age group for the purpose of planning within the speculated period;
- To prepare quarterly unemployment information, monthly productivity trend, and manufacturing sector remuneration, together with employment separation, vacancies, and new registrations within the speculated period;
- To prepare summaries on Cabinet Memorandum within two weeks;
- To play the focal point role in coordinating activities and Malaysia's involvement related to human resource development at international conferences;
- To prepare feedback on Cabinet/Minister/Exco/MTEN decisions within three days from the date of instructions.
We welcome constructive comments from our customers for the good of all in providing organised, systematic, and customer friendly services.