Organisation Chart
K-Economy Division
Contact Details:
K-Economy Division
Ministry of Economy
Level 1, Quadran 4, Menara Prisma
No. 26, Persiaran Perdana, Precint 3
Federal Government Administrative Centre
62675 Putrajaya
Tel No. : 0380902720
Knowledge Economy Division (BKE) was formed from the reorganization of the then Evaluation Section, Economic Planning Unit (EPU), Prime Minister’s Department (JPM) in the year 2007. BKE is established to support the growth of a conducive ecosystem for ICT development, along with the extensive adoption of ICT to improve the Government’s delivery system. This function is aligned to the efforts to transform our nation towards an innovative digital knowledge-based economy.
- Plan policies and strategies for the development of a knowledge-based economy through innovation and productivity to spur competitiveness and wealth creation
- Optimize financial resources through allocation of Development Budget for programs and projects on digital economy
- Coordinate and monitor the ICT sector to enhance the knowledge-based economy within a higher value chain
Key Functions
- Plan for policies and strategies pertaining to the development of digital economy and public service delivery by:
- improving digital infrastructure
- develop digital industry
- increase digital content and cyber security
- monitor strategic initiatives and digital economy
- strengthen development of ICT human capital
- transform the Government service delivery
- conduct research to enhance policies and strategies
- Optimize financial resources through allocation of Development Budget for programs and projects on digital economy
- evaluate, coordinate, recommend and monitor annual and five-year Development Budget for programs and projects
- Coordinate and monitor digital economy’s development and public service delivery:
- create dynamic environment for ICT industry
- improve coverage and quality for digital infrastructure
- improve local digital content development
- implement strategic initiative for digital economy
- increase digital inclusiveness to construct productive and prosperous society
- strengthen cyber security for society’s welfare
- fortify service delivery comprehensively and holistically
- Secretariat and member of committees pertaining to digital economy and public service delivery
- provide guidance and prepare relevant inputs
Main Activities according to Units
- Digital Infrastructure Strengthening
- Plan, analyze and identify the needs for digital infrastructure, digital broadcasting infrastructure and smart city infrastructure
- Plan and coordinate improvements on digital inclusivity development to build a productive and prosperous society
- Prepare report/input regarding the digital infrastructure for the consideration of EPU management, National Development Planning Committee (NDPC) and the Cabinet
- Evaluate, coordinate, recommend and monitor annual and five-year Development Budget for digital infrastructure programs and projects for the Ministry of Communications and Multimedia (KKMM), Ministry of Water, Land and Natural Resources (KATS), Ministry of Rural Development (KPLB), Department of Broadcasting, Department of Information, BERNAMA and Department of Survey and Mapping Malaysia (JUPEM) as well as conduct mid-term review to achieve national outcome
- Coordinate and monitor the implementation of Strategic Thrust 5 (11th MP), Focus Area C: Improving coverage, quality and affordability of digital infrastructure
- Digital Industry Development
- Plan, analyze and identify the needs of ICT sector for the purpose of formulating policies and strategies
- Identify potential technology that can be developed to benefit the ICT sector in line with the digital economy development
- Plan, analyze and support the Malaysia Software Testing Hub initiative
- Plan, analyze and support research, development and commercialization (R&D&C) in ICT sector
- Prepare report/input regarding the digital industry, ICT R&D and e-Commerce for the consideration of EPU management, National Development Planning Committee (JPPN), MSC Malaysia Implementation Council Meeting (ICM) and the Cabinet
- Evaluate, coordinate, recommend and monitor annual and five-year Development Budget for digital industry, ICT R&D and e-Commerce projects for KKMM, Malaysia Digital Economy Corporation (MDEC), MYNIC Berhad, MIMOS, Cradle Fund Sdn Bhd (CFSB) and Malaysia Industry-Government Group for High Technology (MIGHT) as well as conduct mid-term review to achieve national outcome
- Coordinate the implementation of the Technical Working Group for Strategic Paper 15 (11th MP): Driving ICT in the Knowledge Economy
- Digital Content and Cyber Security Development
- Plan, analyze and support the local digital content development and cyber security industry to increase contribution to digital economy.
- Plan, analyze and support the development of e-Commerce to increase productivity and contribution to digital economy
- Prepare report/input regarding content and media, cyber security, for EPU, JPPN, ICM and the Cabinet
- Evaluate, coordinate, recommend and monitor the annual and five-year Development Budget for programs and projects on digital content, and cyber security for KKMM, MDEC, FINAS, and CyberSecurity Malaysia (CSM) as well as conduct mid-term review to achieve national outcome
- Monitoring of Digital Economy
- Design and undertake research related to knowledge-based economy and digital economy
- Monitor and analyze Malaysia’s ranking in digital economy and the public service delivery based on United Nations e-Government Development Index (UNeGDI) benchmarking
- Prepare input and review on reports related to knowledge-based economy and digital economy e.g. Digital Economy Satellite Account (DESA) and ICT Satellite Account (ICTSA)
- Coordinate reports and inputs on Sustainable Development Goals (SDG)’s for BKE
- Prepare report and input related to digital economy Strategic Initiative for deliberation of the management of BKE, JPPN, ICM and the Cabinet with regards to SDG, DESA and UNeGDI
- Talent Development
- Plan and strengthen the development of high quality ICT human capital consistent with the industry’s needs
- Coordinate and monitor the establishment of the Board of Computing Professionals Malaysia (BCPM)
- Coordinate activities to intensify academic-industry collaboration for the ICT sector
- Prepare report and input regarding the development of ICT talent for EPU, NDPC and the Cabinet
- Evaluate, coordinate, recommend and monitor annual and five-year Development Budget for programs and projects on ICT talent development for KKMM, MDEC and FINAS as well as conduct mid-term review to achieve national outcome
- Public Service Delivery Transformation
- Plan, review and identify improvements to the public service delivery
- Support the implementation of re-organizing and rationalizing of the public sector to enhance productivity and improve performance of the public service delivery
- Prepare reports/inputs regarding the Government’s service delivery for the consideration of EPU, JPPN and the Cabinet
- Evaluate, coordinate, recommend and monitor annual and five-year Development Allocation for specific programs and projects on public service delivery for the Prime Minister’s Department (JPM), Ministry of Finance (MoF), KATS and KKMM as well as conduct mid-term review to achieve national outcome
- Coordinate implementation of Chapter 9 (RMK-11) implementation: Transforming Public Service For Productivity
We promise to undertake the responsibilities that have been entrusted to us with full dedication through excellent and professional work ethics in delivering service to our clients as follows:
- Implement the tasks of preparing the Long Term Planning Framework, Five-Year Development Plan and Mid-Term Review according to schedule with professionalism, quality and effectively.
- Plan the development of knowledge-based economy proactively and effectively.
- Monitor and evaluate the implementation of policies and programs under the knowledge-based economic master plan and other related programs and prepare reports twice a year.
- Conduct research and studies relating to knowledge-based economy as well as other potential areas that can be developed and encouraged to ensure sustainable economic growth.
- Conduct impact studies on certain issues from time to time.
- Prepare reviews on Cabinet Memorandum within 2 weeks.
- Prepare feedback to Cabinet /Minister/MTEN Exco within 3 days from date of instruction;
- Answer professionally all questions relating to knowledge-based economy.
We welcome any constructive feedback from our clients that are of mutual benefit in providing services that are organized, systematic and client-friendly.