6.1 Currency in Circulation by Denomination (BNM MSB 1.2) |
6.2 Monetary Aggregates: M1, M2 and M3 (BNM MSB 1.3) |
6.3 Banking System: Classification of Loans by Purpose and Sector |
6.3.1 Banking System: Classification of Loans by Purpose (BNM MSB 1.19) |
6.3.2 6.3.2 Banking System: Classification of Loans by Sector (BNM MSB 1.20) |
6.4 Non-Performing Loans / Impaired Loans and Impairment Provisions |
6.4.1 Banking System (BNM MSB 1.21) |
6.4.2 Commercial Banks and Islamic Banks (BNM MSB 1.21.2) |
6.4.3 Merchant/Investment Banks (BNM MSB 1.21.3) |
6.5 Interest Rates |
6.5.1 Banking Institutions (BNM MSB 2.1) |
6.5.2 Treasury Bills and Bank Negara Bills (BNM MSB 2.4) |
6.6 Exchange Rates: Malaysian Ringgit (BNM MSB 2.6) |
6.7 Bursa Malaysia Securities Berhad: Selected Indicators (BNM MSB 2.12) |
Contact Details :
Macroeconomics Division
Ministry of Economy
5th Floor, Menara Prisma, Precint 3
Federal Government Administrative Centre
62675 Putrajaya