The Purpose of Guidelines
The purpose of this Guidelines is to describe in detail the method of implementation of the UPE Circular No. 1 Year 2015. These Guidelines replace the previous guidelines known as the Guidelines and Regulations for Building Planning by the Standard and Cost Committee (SCC) of the 2008 Edition.
In addition, these Guidelines should also be complied by all Implementing Agencies / Ministries / Departments / Statutory Bodies seeking Government building and infrastructure projects :
- to set norms for space and qualification during the Value Management process for projects worth RM50.0 million and above;
- during the process of obtaining JSK approval for projects worth RM 5.0 million to RM50.0 million;
- for renovations to existing buildings or rented private buildings whose value of renovation works exceeds RM1.0 million; and
- for projects worth less than RM5.0 million which must comply with these guidelines but do not need to submit an application for approval.
- to explain the criteria and general standards in designing Government buildings and infrastructure to be planned and implemented with cost effective use, without compromising its functional requirements - (cost effective and functional).
These guidelines are divided into several chapters that address the following aspects:
- planning a Government building based on the floor space norms;
- the use of building materials and fixes that have been fixed, based on the category of building according to their interests, functions and financial implications;
- the need for mechanical, electrical and information and communication (ICT);
- external works;
- civil works;
- the need for access to disabled persons in the building.
- energy efficiency; and
- the use of IBS.
- This guideline is prepared taking into account the type of building and infrastructure in general (generic) to facilitate its overall use and includes any type of building project.
- These Guidelines are provided so that they can be used for one category of building / infrastructure with other building / infrastructure categories within the same project.
The main objective of setting up the Standard and Cost Committee at the Economic Planning Unit is :
- To evaluate and analyze th>e scope and materials of building, mechanical and electrical systems so that the project becomes efficient and economical.
Scope of work of Standard and Cost Committee (SCC)
- Conveniently constructed, reasonable prices and can be justified for people's use of money.
- Evaluate and review guidelines adopted from time to time based on design standards, technological advancements and current economic conditions.
- Audit projects in randomly constructed or completed projects.
- Reviewing, evaluating and verifying applications for development projects
- Review and authorize customers for rental office space applications.
Procedures for Project Submission
This procedure requires a level of submission. Customers who include ministries and departments need to ensure that the scope of the project has been agreed / approved by relevant departments within the Ministry of Economy before being sent to the SCC for processing. The information below will be submitted to the SCC to process any construction projects :
- Provision of approved projects.
- Size of land use.
- Number of employees (category of posts) or users placed inside the building.
- Schedule Of Accommodation ( SOA)
- Space for air condition.
- List of materials and finishes for buildings.
- Initial cost estimates (PDA) for recognized consultants / officials.
- Overview of layout and architecture.
Membership of Standard and Cost Committee
The Committee manages issues pertaining to national interests and issues where the SCC requires further clarification or justification from the ministry on the proposed proposal. It meets the schedule scheduled for discussion of the issues and other requirements within the SCC guidelines.
The composition is as shown below :
1. | Secretary General Ministry of Economy | - Ministry of Economy | Chairman |
2. | Director of Organisational Development Division | - JPA | Member |
3. | Director of Architectural Branch | - JKR | Member |
4. | Director of Budget Management Division | - MOF | Member |
5. | Director of Infrastructure Division | - ICU, JPM | Member |
6. | Ketua Penolong Setiausaha Teknikal | - MOF | Member |
7. | Director of Budget Development Section | - Ministry of Economy | Member |
8. | Director of Standard and Cost | - Ministry of Economy | Secretariat |
No. | Title | Document |
1 | Circular Letter No.4 Tahun 2005 | Download |
2 | Circular Letter No.4 Year 2005 CANCELLED | |
3 | Circular Letter No.1 Year 2007 | Download |
4 | Buku Garis Panduan dan Peraturan Bagi Perancangan Bangunan Oleh Jawatankuasa Standard Dan Kos Tahun 2015 | Download, Download |