The Household Income Survey (HIS) is one of the surveys carried out by the Departments of Statistics Malaysia. This survey was first conducted in 1973 and then been carried out twice in every five years, that is, two surveys within each Malaysia Development Plan period. The main objectives of the HIS are to measure the economic well-being of the population; collect information on income distribution patterns of households classified by various socio-economic characteristics and provide the base data for the calculation of the Poverty Line Income (PLI). Household income and poverty statistics are used for policy formulation and development planning particularly for the poverty eradication programmes and strategies for distribution of income. Household expenditure statistics are obtained from Household Expenditure Survey (HES) carried out by the Department of Statistics Malaysia. The main objectives of the survey is to collect information on the level and pattern of consumption expenditure by households on varieties of goods and services, as a basis to determine the types of goods and services to be included in the basket of the Consumer Price Index (CPI) and to update the CPI weights.
Time Series of Household Income, Poverty and Household Expenditure Statistics, 1970-2022
If you have any inquiries regarding the above data, please contact :
Equity Development Division
Ministry of Economy
7th Floor, Menara Prisma, Precint 3
Federal Government Administrative Centre
62675 Putrajaya