Organisation Chart:
Equity Development Division
Contact Details:
Equity Development Division
Ministry of Economy
No.26, Persiaran Perdana
Federal Government Administrative Centre
Level 5, Menara Prisma 62675
Putrajaya Tel. No. :
Lima Fungsi Umum
- BASIC DEVELOPMENT, STRATEGY AND PROGRAM - Household Income Below 40% and Bumiputera Development Agenda.
- Reviewing the effectiveness of existing policies, strategies and programs;
- Develop / draft new strategies and programs more effectively and timely; and
- Monitor the effectiveness of implementing strategies and programs to achieve the strategic targets for socio-economic development of the lowest 40% income group - Bottom 40% (B40) and Bumiputera Development Agenda.
- STUDY. Review and analyze issues and submit policy and program policy proposals to address issues in relation to Bottom 40% and Bumiputera Development Agenda.
- CAPACITY DEVELOPMENT. Development of "Multidimensional Poverty Model"
- Skill training and development through courses and exposure programs;
- Assess / identify needs and examine "gaps" of information and statistics for model / index development; and
- Develops a multidimensional poverty measurement model / index.
- DATA DEVELOPMENT.Collecting, compiling, analyzing and dissemination of data / information for B40 and Bumiputera development.
- Bumiputera participation metric (training / income / equity / employment education);
- Authorized / potential Bumiputera;
- Employment (professional, skill, high paid job, sector, occupation);
- B40 and income distribution (poverty, income, socio-demographic profiling);
- Real estate (building and land); and
- Others to be identified.
- the disposal of real estate properties of Bumiputera and / government agencies worth RM20 million and on appeal; and
- pertaining to the provisions of the guidelines.
Job Scope
Bumiputra Participation
- Develop policies and strategies for achieving the goals of restructuring ownership, and employment in the context of national distribution policies;
- Collecting data / information on ownership and employment by ethnic groups, economic sectors and occupational categories;
- Updating the methodology in calculating the estimate of share capital ownership of the corporate and employment sectors by sectors, occupations and ethnic groups;
- Analyze the imbalances inherent in the ownership & control of the corporate & non-corporate sectors and participation in employment;
- Monitor and evaluate progress on implementation of community restructuring policies and strategies and develop database on Bumiputera participation in the economy;
- Submit proposals to help achieve the goals of equilibrium in ownership and participation in the economy;
- To plan the development of wakaf, zakat and baitulmal land in line with the goal of poverty eradication and community restructuring;
- Provide periodic reports on the progress of Bumiputera participation periodically for the Ministry of Economic Affairs' advice
Sector Regulation
- Considered proposed disposal of properties of Bumiputera real estate and / or Government agencies worth RM20 million and above
- Coordinate and prepare policy papers on issues such as the role of sector regulators and updating guidelines from time to time
- Provide advisory services on Property Acquisition Guidelines (guidelines) received and weighing appeals relating to guidelines.
Entrepreneur Development
- Coordinate ceiling and monitor the implementation of the RMKe-11 programs / projects for the entrepreneur sector
- Implementing programs and projects involving Government agencies, State Economic Development Corporation (SEDCs) and Government-Linked Companies (GLCs)
- Conducting policy studies and effectiveness studies to improve Bumiputera Commercial and Industrial Community (MPPB) programs / projects,
- Develop and plan policies and strategies that can enhance Bumiputera participation in business and industry
- Monitor and control and evaluate the effectiveness of the implementation of the initiative strategy for MPPB involving Government agencies
- Implement the implementation of MPPB programs by ministries / agencies including government-linked companies identified to ensure effective implementation and achieve goals / impacts
- Become an interaction platform and facilitator between the public and private sectors in the success of the MPPB agenda
- Carry out other duties as directed by YB Minister and Secretary General of the Ministry of Economic Affairs from time to time
Inclusive Development
- Develop policies, strategies and programs for poverty eradication and income distribution;
- Collecting, analyzing data / information on poverty eradication & income distribution among all ethnic groups;
- Analyze the trend and position of poverty and income and short-term and long-term short-term and long-term forecasts made using economic models developed in line with poverty goals and targets;
- Coordinate and oversee the implementation of studies on poverty and income distribution;
- Coordinate and update the poverty line poverty measurement methodology and poverty measurement;
- Developing poverty and income distribution bases based on census, surveys and special investigations;
- Coordinate and assist the flow of information to other agencies whether public or private;
- Monitor and monitor implementation of poverty projects;
- Evaluating the effectiveness of poverty eradication programs;
- Submit proposals and recommendations to improve the effectiveness of poverty eradication programs in urban and rural areas as well as income distribution;
- Perform other tasks as directed by YB Minister and Secretary General of the Ministry of Economic Affairs from time to time.
We undertake to carry out our responsibilities with excellent dedication and professionalism in providing the following services -
- Implementing the Long Term Plan Framework, Five Year Development Plan and Rolling Plan according to schedule in a professional, efficient, quality and effective manner.
- Ensuring policymaking and inclusive development strategies and Bumiputera participation will focus on those who are left behind.
- Ensuring policy formulation and strategy will not affect the privilege of certain groups as stipulated in the Federal Constitution.
- Ensure the provision of effective policy frameworks and strategies to achieve the Government's aspirations and meet the needs of the community and target groups.
- Provide comments on the Memorandum of the Cabinet within two weeks.
- Provide feedback to the Cabinet Ministries / Ministers / Exco Results within three days from the date of the instruction; and
- Answering all questions in a professionally relevant section of the Equity Development Division and resolving the issue as soon as possible accurately, clearly and courteously.
We are willing to accept constructive views from our customers for the mutual benefit of providing a systematic, user-friendly and user-friendly service.