The purpose of this guideline is to :
- Notify the macroeconomic framework for the 10th Malaysia Plan (10th MP), 2011-2015;
- Outline the 10th MP stragetic directions towards a high income and develop nation by 2020;
- Notify the 10th MP Key Result Areas (KRAs) as well as its planning and implementation based on the outcome approach; and
- Request ministries to submit their proposals for KRAs, outcomes and strategies in line with the 10th MP stragetic directions, KRAs and outcomes.
No. | Title | Document |
1 | First 10th MP Guideline | Download |
2 | First 10th MP Guideline - Appendix 1 | Download |
3 | First 10th MP Guideline - Appendix 2 | Download |
4 | First 10th MP Guideline - Appendix 3 | Download |
5 | First 10th MP Guideline Appendix 3 - Example of a completed form | Download |
Any enquiries and mails pertaining to the guideline and the submission of the 10th MP ministry-level KRAs should be addressed to :
10th Malaysia Plan (10th MP)
Ministry of Economy
5th Floor, Menara Prisma, Precint 3
Federal Government Administrative Centre
62675 Putrajaya
(Attn: Director of Macroeconomics Division)
Tel : 03-8090 2280
Fax : 03-8090 2500