Organisation Chart:
Contact Details:
Environmental and Natural Resources Division
Ministry of Economy
Level 2, Menara Prisma
No. 26, Persiaran Perdana, Precint 3
Federal Government Administrative Centre
62675 W.P Putrajaya
Tel. No. : 03-80902515
Fax : 03-88884323
Environment and Natural Resource Economic Division (SEASSA) is a section established in accordance with Public Services warrant decisions A106 and A110 effective June, 2003 under the Macro Planning Division of Economic Planning Unit. Initially, SEASSA is a sub-section within the Regional Economic and Environment Section (SEW&AS).
Sustainable development involves socio-economic development that has minimal impact on the environment by optimally utilizing resources to ensure the right of future generations. Hence, the establishment of SEASSA is to ensure sustainable socio-economic growth planning through balanced and effective development of policy and development planning by taking into account the importance of the three dimensions of sustainable development such as economic, social and environmental. This is to support the achievement of developed nation status by the year 2020 and at the same time ensuring that emphasis is placed on economic growth that can ensure good environmental quality and a clean, healthy and safe environment for the people. SEASSA serves as a focal point in the EPU by promoting sustainable growth through a green growth approach that ensures all sectors of the economy taking into account the importance of the environment, sustainability of natural resources and high resilience in its design.
Furthermore, SEASSA also assesses the need, effectiveness and monitor the implementation of development projects to ensure that it achieves the country's sustainable development objectives. To support ministry / agency initiatives, SEASSA also takes a proactive role in the implementation of strategic studies that can lead the country towards sustainable development and further strengthen institutional and capacity to address environmental and environmental issues at the national and international level. To ensure SEASSA's roles and responsibilities can be implemented efficiently and effectively, the SEASSA organizational structure is divided into five main sub-sectors as follows:
- Environmental Management;
- Natural Resource Management;
- Water Resources Management;
- Land, Survey and Marine Management
- To achieve environmental goals with efficiency and to encourage optimal use of natural resources to reduce development negative impact on the environment and natural resources;
- To create a policy mix, suitable practices, and technologies to ensure stable economic development from the prospective of social and environment;
- To enhance the use of fiscal policy in achieving environmental objective and encouraging the use of instruments based on marketing;
- To address environmental issues and distribution of resources by consolidating environmental consideration into development plans, and to strengthen the institutional mechanism, legislations, and regulations; and
- To monitor and participate in environmental conferences at international level to ensure that the nation's interests are not compromised
Main Function
- To monitor and facilitate the implementation of natural resource and environmental development projects involving the Ministry of Water, Land and Natural Resources (KATS), Ministry of Energy, Science, Technology, Environment and Climate Change (MESTECC);
- To promote and develop environmental / natural resource policies / plans / programs to align with sustainable development objectives;
- To conduct studies on economic instruments related to the environment and natural resources in examine the capabilities of planning instruments to be adapted to the environmental legislation;
- To plan, coordinate, facilitate and monitor the implementation of bilateral and multilateral aid programs as well as regional technical assistance programs related to the environmental and natural resources (excluding programs under GEF funding);
- To act as a focal point for the High Level Political Forum (HLPF) on Sustainable Development and coordinating international issues related to sustainable development and strengthening institutional development;
- To participate in environmental and natural resource consultation on sustainable development, climate change and biodiversity such as the environmental conventions such as the HLPF, the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), the United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity (UNCBD) and the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (UNESCAP) to ensure that the country's economic interests are not compromised;
- To facilitate and evaluate the implementation of programs and projects involving national and international commitments and multilateral agreements such as consultations / conferences / meetings related to environmental management issues towards achieving sustainable development;
- To coordinate negotiations between federal and state agencies in making better decisions on environmental economic issues and natural resource management;
- To prepare and coordinate reviews on Cabinet Memorandum, coordinate feedback on Cabinet decisions / Ministers / Councils related to environmental and natural resource issues;
- To prepare and coordinate policy papers, note papers, summary notes and presentation slides on environmental development and natural resources from economic aspects;
- To conduct studies on environmental issues related to analysis for the sustainable development planning of the country; and
- To collaborate with departments, agencies and non-governmental organizations in conducting research, seminars and dialogues on issues related to the environment and natural resources.
We pledge to perform responsibilities entrusted with dedication through excellence work cultures, professionalism in providing services to customers as follows:
- To perform duties in preparing Long-Term Planning, Five-Year Development Plan, and Mid-Term Review according to schedule professionally, efficiently, effectively, and with quality;
- To plan and execute thorough, dedicate, and effective studies on environmental issues, and natural resources conservation in line with the studies within the timeframe set;
- To formulate and coordinate policies and strategies implementations in managing environment and conserving natural resources towards achieving a stable and lasting development;
- To prepare summaries on Cabinet Memorandum within the time set;
- To prepare feedback on Cabinet decisions within the time set;
- To answer questions professionally on issues related to management and conserving environment and natural resources; and
- We welcome constructive comments from our customers for the good of all in providing organized, systematic, and customer friendly
We are willing to accept constructive views from our customers for the mutual benefit in providing a systematic and customer-friendly service.