
The Eighth Malaysia Plan charts the next steps that we,as a nation, will to take be towards becoming a united and fully developed nation in our own mould by the year 2020. In formulating this plan we considered the progress achieved, took stock of our current position as well as the considerable challenges ahead. The strategies and programmes presented are aimed atputting the nation on a stronger footing and to more resilient and competitive" ... Perdana Menteri Malaysia


Attachment Size
app-pdf Rukunegara 9.77 KB
app-pdf Foreword 25.68 KB
app-pdf Chapter 1 - Policy Objectives.pdf 65.38 KB
app-pdf Chapter 2 - Macroeconomic Performance And Prospects.pdf 116.76 KB
app-pdf Chapter 3 - Poverty Eradication And Restructuring Of Society.pdf 114.06 KB
app-pdf Chapter 4 - Population, Employment And Human Resource Development.pdf 151.17 KB
app-pdf Chapter 5 - Regional Development.pdf 90.18 KB
app-pdf Chapter 6 - Public Sector Programme And Its Financing.pdf 91.26 KB
app-pdf Chapter 7 - Privatization.pdf 76.28 KB
app-pdf Chapter 8 - Agricultural Development.pdf 106.16 KB
app-pdf Chapter 9 - Industrial Development.pdf 110.42 KB
app-pdf Chapter 10 - Infrastructure And Utilities.pdf 123.48 KB
app-pdf Chapter 11 - Energy.pdf 207.28 KB
app-pdf Chapter 12 - Science And Technology.pdf 81.39 KB
app-pdf Chapter 13 - Information And Communications Technology.pdf 101.58 KB
app-pdf Chapter 14 - Finance.pdf 132.22 KB
app-pdf Chapter 15 - Tourism.pdf 84.03 KB
app-pdf Chapter 16 - Distributive Trade.pdf 67.36 KB
app-pdf Chapter 17 - Health.pdf 82.16 KB
app-pdf Chapter 18 - Housing And Other Social Services.pdf 122.33 KB
app-pdf Chapter 19 - Environment And Sustainable Resource Management.pdf 68.31 KB
app-pdf Chapter 20 - Women And Development.pdf 56.08 KB
app-pdf Chapter 21 - Youth In Development.pdf 57.16 KB
app-pdf Chapter 22 - Development Through International Cooperation.pdf 75.11 KB
app-pdf Chapter 23 - Administrative Improvements For Development.pdf 78.21 KB
app-pdf Glossary.pdf 31.04 KB
app-pdf Index 45.69 KB


 Circulars / Letters

Mid -Term Review

Outline Perspective Plan